behind a breakthrough product that could effectively measure the potency of LSD, MDMA, and Psilocybin. Until this point, the only tests to ever hit the market were ones that could measure the purity of a substance, but never the potency. After going through hundreds of names and ideas, we finally decided to call the test kit box “Felix,” named after the scientist and founder of the offering. This decision enabled us to connect the user to the founder on a deeper more human level. It also enabled us to develop a variety of clever marketing materials and systems for engaging the customer on the website.
While other test kits on the market utilized branding geared towards a drug consuming aesthetic and stereotype
We wanted to associate ourselves with safety and scientific accuracy. Our choice of identity lends itself to mathematics and precision. Both the font and the brand mark utilize clean geometry, and the brand mark itself is a play on the elements found in the periodic table.