
Mimosa was home to a legendary team of scientists, therapists, and thought leaders from the psychedelic industry.

After raising seed capital for the development of their international laboratories, Mimosa hired me to perform market research, develop their brand identity, brand voice, and visual identity.
Sophisticated, yet psychedelic. 

Mimosa needed a logo that would show class and competence to investors while simultaneously paying homage to their psychedelic culture. In addition, my team and I developed the following variations of the logo to enable it to be used in a variety of settings. 

When people arrive at the Mimosa Therapeutics website, their first experience of the organization is the following custom-designed animation of Amanita Muscaria mushrooms growing. In addition, the Mimosa tagline grows into the frame like the mycelium root system of the mushrooms themselves.
The above video above takes you on a journey through the Mimosa Therapeutics website alongside the custom art and animations that were made from them.  In addition to developing all of the individual assets for this website, we also directed and managed the UX Design and Development of the site itself. The first section of the website presents our custom made 3D Amanita muscaria mushroom, and the following section of the website presents an introduction film that we flew from Mexico to California to direct and produce.The film gives its viewers a sneak peek into the ethos of the organization and builds hype around its future offerings. Watch the film below.
When it came time for social media, Mimosa allowed Visioneer Studio to take full charge of helping them convey their devotion to entheogens and the preservation of the natural environment. Our team focused on capturing the beauty of nature through macro and micro perspectives, inviting the viewer to dive deep into the beauty of the natural world. Given the progressive nature of this project, we had to be extremely cautious about word choice to avoid being flagged and removed from Instagram.
Websites tell a different story than social media, and to perfect this communication channel, my team and I developed the following array of social media posts and templates to communicate different kinds of information in fun and aesthetically pleasing ways. My goal was to create an entheogens company that celebrated the beauty of the natural world from both macro and micro perspectives.